December 22 – God’s Intentions
“He has brought me to his
banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.” – Song of Solomon 2:4 (NASB)
Not the easiest book for us to understand or even agree on but
one that shows God’s intention for a holy marriage of one man and one woman. It
has been recognized by the Jews as a part of their sacred writings. With Ruth,
Esther, Ecclesiastes, and Lamentations, it is included among the Old Testament
books of the Megilloth or “five scrolls.” It is often read at Passover. No
formal theological themes emerge. In contrast to the two distorted extremes of
ascetic abstinence and lustful perversion outside of marriage, Solomon’s
ancient love song exalts the purity of marital affection and romance. A
satisfying way to approach Solomon’s Song is to take it at face value and
interpret it in the normal historical sense, understanding the frequent use of
poetic imagery to depict reality. To do so understands that Solomon recounts 1)
his own days of courtship, 2) the early days of his first marriage, followed by
3) the maturing of this royal couple through the good and bad days of life. It
is given to us by God to demonstrate His intention for the romance and
loveliness of marriage, the most precious of human relations and “the grace of
life” (1 Peter 3:7).
Surprisingly, God is not mentioned explicitly except
possibly in 8:6. No formal theological themes emerge. The New Testament never
quotes Solomon’s Song directly (nor Esther, Obadiah, and Nahum).
John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New
American Standard Bible., (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), Ec
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